From Soil to Sip: Exploring Regenerative Organic Certified Coffee and Brewing Techniques

You’re probably already familiar with the term “organic.” You’ll see it in produce sections in your local grocery store and in clothing tags. Like organic, regenerative organic strays from the use of synthetic fertilizer, opting for more eco-friendly options. Organic focuses on the final product: whether it be made out of organic materials or have organic ingredients. Regenerative organic, on the other hand, takes it a couple of steps forward. 

With three main pillars–Soil Health, Animal Welfare, and Social Fairness– regenerative organic is a farming practice for food and fibers that is environmentally friendly and sustainable in the long-term. All while promoting fair labor practices and protecting the local fauna. Regenerative organic takes into consideration the life of the soil so that it can continue to be fruitful well after harvest season. Healthy soil stores more carbon, keeping it from the atmosphere and thus reducing greenhouse gasses

Ampersand’s coffee is all organic. Of our 15 roasts, 3 origins are regenerative organic certified: Nicaragua, Colombia and Peru (also available as a dark roast). This means that the farms where we source our beans follow the three pillars of regenerative organic through sustainable farming and fair trade practices. 

Our Nicaraguan medium roast has tasting notes of milk chocolate, pine nut, sweet tobacco and hints of rhubarb, making it the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. Whether you drink it black or sweet and creamy, this slightly savory roast is comfort in a mug. 

Home Preparation: Chemex Pour Over

Preheat your Chemex and filter by pouring hot water through the filter and into the Chemex, swirl then empty out. Add 45g of medium-to-finely ground Nicaragua, and gently tap your Chemex to even the grounds. Place your Chemex on a scale and tare it so the scale is at zero. With a goose-nose kettle, pour water in swirls for 20 seconds, anywhere between 70-80g while trying to coat the grounds evenly with the hot water. Watch as the coffee blooms! Let it sit for about 30 seconds, and pour in water in swirls for 20 more seconds, stopping at 120-130g. Repeat this until your scale reads 450g. Total time should be about 4 minutes, but beware it is hard to pour slowly! Toss your filter and used coffee grounds, and enjoy!

Our Colombian dark roast is full bodied with all the richness of deep, dark chocolate. Best enjoyed bright and early, this roast will wake you up and add the pep in your step for a productive morning. 

Home Preparation: French Press

Add to the bottom of your French Press 60g of coarsely ground Colombia. Pour in 3.5 cups of boiling water. Make sure you wet all the grounds! Let it sit for 3-4 minutes. Then, with a spoon, gently break the surface. Let it sit for another minute. Gently press down, and pour yourself a cup!  

Our Peruvian roast will elevate any and every coffee drink you make. Whether you drink it in a latte or as a regular cup of joe, the tasting notes of hazelnut, cashew and milk chocolate are the rich and smooth foundation to a great day. 

Home Preparation: Vanilla Cream Cold Brew

In a mason jar, add 50g of coarsely ground Peru. Top with 2 cups of filtered, room-temperature water, and refrigerate overnight. Strain into a pitcher or another mason jar to remove all of the grounds. Pour in a glass over ice, and top off with vanilla cream!

Regenerative organic certifications are a lengthy process, so when you see the ROC logo, you know the standards are being met and a difference is being made.